Wednesday 16 January 2013

My Favourite Blogs

I love Elin Kling’s blog, Style By Kling and am really inspired by her style, not only are her post outfit posts, but she also posts up and coming catwalk trends and suggestions. I enjoy reading about her fashion magazine and business with fashion brand Nowhere, as I would really like to work in the editorial side of fashion. Her fashion is sleek and simplistic, focusing on simple pieces, showing her Nordic roots. I admire her business credentials and how her blog became the most popular blog in Sweden after only two days of being live.
Sandra Hagelstam’s Finnish take on fashion blends androdgony and simplistic shapes with a love for pattern clashing and lots of high heels. With constant coverage of the latest fashion shows and trends, reading her blog keeps me updated, I also admire how she has turned her blog into a business and has her own fashion line for incorporating her love for the masculine worn as feminine trend.
Sabrina Meijers blog AfterDrk is one of my favourite blogs, a full time blogger, Sandra has now broken away from NowManifest, the blogging organization that made her famous, in favour of independent blogging, I love her fashion sense and taste for simplistic clothes and design, with the use of statement pieces to draw attention. I love the natural colours used as opposed to bright, clashing colours.
The Blonde salad was the first blog I started reading when I became interested in fashion, having been a keen reader for over four years now, I feel like I have watched the blog grow from a law student blogging about her fashion likes, to a fashion insider with one of the most popular blogs in the world.
Jak and Jil is probably one of the best street style blogs around, capturing the edginess and atmosphere surrounding the fashion shows in September, but not only that, their rich coloured pictures provide inspiration to suit every taste, all year round.

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